Friday, February 2, 2018


Do you ever feel so broken, like you're beyond repair?  I often feel like I'm this broken toy no one wants to play with anymore.  So I'm discarded in the garbage, crushed and shredded in the garbage truck, and off to be burned in the flames.  Do you ever feel this way?

I often feel worthless and useless.  How could God ever use me?  As broken as I am?  There's no way I could be used for God's glory!  I've made so many mistakes, I can't do anything right!

These are the thoughts that plague me ALL the time.  How about you?  Do you think this way about yourself?  If so, know this - you are greatly mistaken!

No matter how broken you may be, he can heal you.  You may think you're beyond repair and without Christ, you're right.  We can't fix anyone - whether it be someone else or ourselves.  We certainly try, but we tend to make things worse.  But Jesus can heal you!  He can heal your brokenness.

God is close to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18).  It often feels like he's far away from us during dark times, but he's much closer than you think. 

"God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs." 
Matthew 5:3

When we are broken in spirit, he is there.  It is during those hardships that he's even closer.  When we feel like we can't go on anymore, he holds us in his arms, comforting us.  He can mend your brokenness.  He can heal your broken spirit.

A couple nights ago I was really discouraged about something - to the point where I was in tears and was tempted to give into one of my addictions I've been trying to work past.  My head kept telling me "I'm going to do it" but I kept telling it to get out of my head.  I talked to a friend and I prayed - giving thanks and asking Him to help me through this.  After that I listened to "Mended" by Matthew West.  Since then I've been listening to this song on repeat nearly ALL day.  Every time I hear it, I nearly break down and weep.  God sees us differently than we see ourselves, and he can heal our brokenness.  I definitely recommend the song - listen to it and listen (or read) the lyrics.  Christ is here with you, right now, this very moment, and he has always been with you - since before you were even conceived!  He sees your brokenness and he is not ashamed of you for your struggles.  He knows your struggles and still loves you even when you give in.  He will never stop loving you.  He will never abandon you.

Let him mend your broken heart.

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