Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Call

Who are those who fear the LORD?  He will show them the path they should choose.

Psalm 25:12

Ever wonder where you're supposed to go in life?  This has been something I've been stuck in for years.

Growing up I had hopes and dreams of what I wanted to do with my life - but over the past few years, I've realized they're unachievable for me (at the time at least anyway).  This has been very difficult for me, to be honest.  I see my friends and family members doing things with their lives, and don't get me wrong, I'm really happy for them; but it's difficult when all I do is sit on my butt all day doing pretty much nothing.  I can't drive, I can't work, I can't raise a family with kids, nothing.  It's made me wonder why I'm even still here.  Surely my life isn't a waste right?  Surely there's a reason why I'm still here!  Sometimes I will cry out to God, "Why am I here?  What good am I alive if I can't do anything?"  Then there's this:

I have told all your people about your justice.  I have not been afraid to speak out, as you, O LORD, well know.  I have not kept the good news of your justice hidden in my heart; I have talked about your faithfulness and saving power.  I have told everyone in the great assembly of your unfailing love and faithfulness.

Psalm 40:9-10

As I have mentioned in a previous blog entry, I'm extremely afraid of people - especially public speaking.  People terrify me!  I often say I prefer animals over people because animals will attack if they feel threatened - trying to defend themselves.  People, on the other hand, will backstab you on purpose.  There aren't evil animals, but there are evil people.  I guess I sort of have a love-hate relationship with people.  I love people, I want to help people, I care about people, especially those who are broken; but I fear them too.  You know, Jesus was treated like crap by people, but he was never afraid of them; and he loved people WAY more than anyone can!

There have been times where I've really felt like God has told me to talk to people who are hurting, but I get so afraid.  Sometimes I don't do it, and I feel terrible after that.  I think, "If that had been me, I would've wanted someone to give me hope.  I'd want to hear that God has my back.  I'd want to hear that I'm not alone.  I'd want to hear that God still loves me.  So why did I say nothing?"  I will beat myself up all day over it.  Here I will ask God to give me an opportunity to tell someone the Good News that Jesus rescues us through his death and resurrection; yet I chicken out. every. time.  Lately, I have tried to listen to that voice, even if I'm absolutely terrified - not for my sake, but for the other person.

Jesus called out to them, "Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!"

Mark 1:17

We all have a calling - to preach the Good News to everyone.  How this looks for everyone is different.  For some it's teaching.  For others it may be art.  It's different for everyone - I'm still trying to figure out what it looks like for me.  Maybe it's my blog, maybe it's something else.

Some people are happy to just be with their family.  It doesn't matter if they reach out to other people.  But this isn't what we are instructed to do!   It's preposterous!  Reach out to your family yes, but don't stop there!  What about all the other people in the world? The people who are broken and empty?  What about the girl being bullied at school?  What about your co-worker who's caught in addiction?  What about the guy who's about to kill himself because he just can't take the pains of life anymore?  You have joy in Jesus?  Good!  Now go share that joy with the world!  Don't keep it to yourself!  Are you afraid?  Do it anyway!  Don't let your fear cripple you.  Jesus is with you and will give you the strength!

Not sure how to do this?  Just tell him, "I'm here, and I'm listening!  Whatever it is you want me to do I'll do it!  Whoever you want me to be I'll be it!  Give me the strength to do it, no matter how afraid I may be!"  He will show you what he wants - it may not be immediate, but he will show you.

So how are you going to preach the Good News?

O LORD, I give my life to you.  I trust in you, my God!

Psalm 25:1

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