Friday, February 26, 2021

Things Aren’t As They Appear

 This is a different topic than I would normally write. Things are not always as they appear. I got on the scale this morning after not having weighed myself in a week and I gained a few pounds! I was quite upset about this at first because I’m trying to get healthier and lose weight. Then I looked in the mirror and I thought, “that’s odd, I look thinner, I feel thinner, even my calves are getting slimmer!” I remembered that muscle weighs more than fat does. I’ve been exercising a lot, and having a lot of protein. My eating for the most part has gotten much healthier and like yesterday I walked more than 21,000 steps! Surely I should’ve lost weight instead of gained! However, muscle weighs more than fat (if you’re working on losing weight, remember that the scale lies). I started to think how true this is in other aspects of life too. Things appear one way, when they’re really another way. As the saying goes “you can’t judge a book by its cover.” There’s always two sides of each coin. Often times people are lazy and will only get one perception on something. They get one point of view and then make a judgement on the situation from there. This is foolish, dare I even say wrong? If there is an argument between two parties and you only hear one side, you are going to judge the other party harshly and most likely incorrectly. This has happened so many times with me. People want to judge me based on what they’ve heard than what they know; they would prefer to assume the worst about me. If you’re going through that, don’t be afraid, you’re in good company! Look at the Saints! Look at the prophets! Look at the Apostles! Look at Jesus Himself! People were quick to judge them not based on things they knew, but based on things they heard or thought. If you are being persecuted, don’t fret, you’re not alone! Stay pure and continue to follow our great God! He will guide you and He knows what’s true even if others do not. I know it hurts, believe me, I’m in the same boat. But we can take great comfort that even if the world villainizes us, Christ knows the truth and one day, even if we have to wait until the next life, the truth will come out; and everyone who judged you wrongly will be weeping and ashamed of how they treated you, asking you for forgiveness. Then you can look them in the eyes, smile, and tell them you forgive them and embrace them. Lean on Christ to give you the strength and courage you need right now, He understands!

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