Monday, March 1, 2021

Goals for 2021

Here’s a goal I have: after I’ve been a pretty good driver for a few years (and have a decent job), I’m thinking about getting a motorcycle ๐Ÿ I’ve always really liked them so while I’m still somewhat young, why the heck not ๐Ÿ˜› besides, I’m a leather jacket, leather pants type of girl anyway, so it’ll just give me an excuse to wear that stuff lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ I’m not sure what kind of car I’ll drive, I guess whatever is affordable. I do like trucks though so maybe a pickup truck ๐Ÿ›ป or maybe a jeep eventually, I’ve always really liked Jeep Wranglers since I was a kid! It’s gonna be difficult to find a truck that’s got decent gas mileage on it though I think because I think often times they’re gas guzzlers (Hummers anyone?). I do like Hummers, but maybe if I were living on a ranch (which is a dream of mine, I want to rescue farm animals :) ) or something. I’ve got so many dreams I want to accomplish. Like I want to conquer some of my fears (cage diving with great white sharks, mountain climbing, etc - no skydiving for me though lol). I’m trying to train for running but it’s taking a toll on my body already. My arthritis and fasciitis has been really painful lately which has limited my working out. I’ve been walking about 18,000-21,000 steps a day so that’s good. I’m still working on coping with ptsd, I honestly probably need some trauma-based therapy which scares the hell outa me. My insurance doesn’t usually cover that though so until I’ve got a decent paying job I’m kinda stuck :/ for now I cope with a CBD vape (I use strawberry watermelon flavor which tastes like candy lol, next I’m gonna try mint mango). I find when I use it early enough during a ptsd episode, it helps a lot. So here’s my plan so far:

1) get a job

2) start drivers ed online (I’m signed up for this)

3) get two Guinea Pigs for emotional support animals so I don’t have to use my vape quite as often

4) work on paying for divorce

5) start paying for WiFi

6) save up for a new iPhone (I’m using a used 6s and the battery is terrible and eventually I’m gonna need a new phone), I’m thinking maybe getting an iPhone X

7) start paying for Amazon Prime again

8) start paying for Boxy Charm (makeup) monthly

9) continue getting healthier and losing weight (another 60 pounds for the next year!)

10) find a one bedroom apartment because it’s difficult to afford a two bedroom on my own (unless I find a roommate)

11) study Kierkegaard and some of the mystics in the Catholic Church

12) find an organization that does service dogs for non-military PTSD and start that process

13) go back to school (I haven’t decided what school yet, I had thought I wanted to go to cosmetology school, but I’ve changed my mind lol. I want to eventually go to seminary because I want to eventually work on helping people get out of the occult or prevent Christians from getting involved in it. It is infiltrating the Church and the Church does not address this enough!)

14) practice my bass guitar more

Once I start driving, I think my parents will probably help me with getting a car, if not:

1) get a car

2) find a church to call home

3) find a spiritual advisor

3) start taking salsa dance classes

4) start taking martial arts classes (always wanted to learn plus self defense is good for a woman in the Atlanta area)

5) start looking at property in Texas, I haven’t decided what part yet (except I’ve been told not Austin because there’s a lot of liberals there lol)

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