Wednesday, January 24, 2018

He Sings Over You

There is a verse I keep thinking about this morning (it's 4am atm).

For the LORD your God lives among you.  He is a mighty savior.  He will take delight in you with gladness.  With his love, he will calm all your fears.  He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.

Zepheniah 3:27

In some translations, it says he "sings" over you!  The God of the universe SINGS over YOU!  You bring him so much joy that he sings over you!

You might be thinking, "How can I bring him joy?  My life is a wreck!  I've screwed up so much!"  Does he know you've screwed up?  Of course!  But your screw ups don't define you.  That is something I am still learning so I'm preaching to myself just as much as I'm preaching to you.  Take addiction for example.  We often have labels for different addictions.  Alcoholic.  Drug addict.  Binge-eater.  Etc.  I have so many labels for myself; all my mental health issues and all my addictions.  You know what though?  God knows we all have these issues, but he does NOT see us as these labels.  We call ourselves ugly, he calls us beautiful.  We call ourselves broken, he calls us mended.  We call ourselves orphans, he calls us his child.

He sings over you.....

I wonder what that sounds like.  What does his song for me sound like?  I'm certain that if I heard it, I would bawl my eyes out like a baby.  Who knows, maybe one day I'll hear it 😊

He loves you so much.  I wish I could show you how much he loves you, but it wouldn't be even close to how much he loves you.  My words would be extremely inadequate.

I see videos of people who go out in places like gay pride parades or even anime conventions with bullhorns condemning people.  "God hates you!  You're going to burn in hell!"  This really angers me.  I mean, I know there may be some who do care, but are misguided.  Jesus said, "People will know you are my disciples, by loving one another. (John 13:25)"  I've told my husband that one of these days, I'd like to go to an event like such and just tell people, "I just wanted to let you know that Jesus loves you."  Sometimes, that's all someone needs to hear.  They are already walking in a battle full of hate coming from all directions - including by themselves.  The last thing they need to hear is the God of the universe, the Savior of the world hates them!  It's as if you're saying, "God loves me and saved me, but he hates you and will not save you."  But now I'm going on a tangent that I may cover another time in another blog.

He loves you, no matter how broken you may be.  He loves you so much that he sings to you - he serenades you!  You are his pride and joy!  How could he not sing to you?  He has a song for each and every one of us - that's a lot of songs!  What does your song sound like?


  1. It reminds me of the saying, "In loving me, You made me lovable."

    1. Indeed, we are loveable because he loved us first :)
